Yes, you can see which pages or posts from your website are getting the most ad clicks. This should also give you an idea of which are your top earning posts.
First you will need to connect your Google Adsense account with your Google Analytics account. Because actually, you can track that kind of data in Google Analytics, not in Adsense. If you haven’t done that yet and you need steps on how to do it, see our topic “Steps How to Connect Adsense with Analytics“
If you’ve already done that and would like to go ahead and look for where you can find how much ad clicks you got per page/post, just first login to your Google Analytics and choose the Account and Property you want to see this data from.
Then under the Reports panel on the left side, go to Behavior > Publisher > Publisher Pages.
You will then see a list of pages or posts that are getting ad impressions and how much clicks they’re getting at the column “Publisher Clicks”.